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DNP- 840A Leadership For Advanced Nursing Practice

DNP- 840A Leadership For Advanced Nursing Practice

DNP- 840A Leadership For Advanced Nursing Practice

Numerous categories make up the doctoral nursing practice (DNP). Evidence-based research demonstrates the wide range of tasks performed by experts. The Direct Practice Improvement Project (DPI) is advised for DNP students to complete. This aids in preparing pupils with the requisite competence and abilities (Bush, 2014). The nurses are expected to develop relevant experiences, such as in the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program, in order to meet the standards (ASP). This initiative aims to demonstrate the progression of Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) in patients who are admitted to healthcare institutions (Pamer, 2016). The initiative will assess whether participating in ASP sessions will improve nurses’ readiness for action. While putting together the project and applying for funds, one will get the chance to learn more about the abilities and requirements of a DNP (Bush, 2014). The information gathered will be reflected in the reflecting paper.

Indicator 1

The DNP program is made to assist the DNP student in learning the fundamentals of project assembly and information gathering. According to Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, and O’Grady (2013), it is crucial for nurses working at this level to “integrate and apply appropriate nursing and science-based theories in evaluation and analysis of health and health care phenomena as well as develop and implement innovative practice approaches.” The nurse who has completed the DNP program must integrate various theoretical ideas with what they have learned (Hamric et al., 2013). According to the Health Belief Model (HBM), messages that correctly address perceived barriers, advantages, self-efficacy, and threats will result in optimal behavior change (Jones, Jensen, Scherr, Brown, Christy, & Weaver, 2015). Nightingale’s model will enable staff to concentrate on the idea that a patient’s surroundings are crucial and that if the setting is hazardous or filthy, the patient will feel filthy or unsafe (Medeiros, 2015). The implementation of principles like the epidemiology of Clostridium difficile in the healthcare system is highlighted specifically using the theoretical model.

DNP nurses are required to use applications when determining various healthcare conditions (Hamric et al., 2013). One of the advantages, for instance, is describing the causes and learning how a disease spreads. Lowering the high prevalence of HAI, such as Clostridium difficile, through collaboration with other healthcare teams and the use of the application to identify various healthcare issues to educate others in the healthcare system has significant potential (Mathur et al., 2014).

One of the difficulties is teaching healthcare professionals how to gather evidence to fight diseases (Hamric et al., 2013). One method I want to include in my DPI project is to use my expertise in scientific information to assist and educate people. My project will be appropriate if it uses methods for patient-centered healthcare delivery.

2nd outcome

For nurses with a DNP, organizational and system leadership skills are crucial because they improve the delivery of high-quality patient care as well as the required results. In addition to fulfilling the prerequisites, I have had the opportunity to develop these competencies. DNP nurses are required by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) to work within organizational and regulatory boundaries (Hamric et al., 2013). In order to increase productivity in the healthcare industry, time management and creating balance are crucial (Bush, 2014). I worked with other healthcare professionals to be able to create policies, and I was able to show my leadership skills in the process.

Nurses with DNP training must be proficient in managing and improving quality. Also, he or she needs to be prepared to deal with potential problems in the healthcare system (Choi & Zucker, 2013). I showed my leadership abilities by becoming involved in issues that developed in the healthcare system and managing patient safety and quality improvement. Zucker and Choi ( 2013) In this instance, assessing the cost-effectiveness of care is a task I carried out while pursuing my DNP (Hamric et al., 2013). In the DPI project, for instance, it was explained how biometrics are utilized to aid in patient identification.

Leadership and organizational abilities are part of advanced practice nursing, and they contribute to better patient satisfaction, better health outcomes, and quality improvements (Choi and Zucker). Nurses who have completed a DNP program must possess the fundamental information needed to introduce practice skills and spot any systemic problems. Together with financial acumen, leadership demands critical thinking and people management abilities (Choi & Zucker, 2013). By being aware of the policy changes, I show how effective I am as a leader.

Assessing health care delivery that satisfies the requirements of fields like clinical and economic sciences. An excellent illustration of how I participate in meeting this leadership criterion is by assessing how nurses contribute to antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASPs).

Utilizing modern communication to enhance infection prevention and

Initiatives for improving patient safety, system-wide practices, and action planning are all aided by communication.

The DNP classes taught me that the ASPs program aids in lowering the high prevalence of Clostridium difficile (Pamer, 2016). Different stakeholders must work together to make decisions and include information sharing to limit the instances of the spread.

Of the illness (Hamric et al., 2013). In such a diversified workplace, the DNP-prepared nurse must use knowledge of diseases as well as manage the disorders. The DNP nurse will also assist the nurses in participating in any activity that will add to their ideas and perceptions and be necessary to demonstrate their staff members’ abilities (Choi & Zucker, 2013). When it comes to handling various participants in the DPI project’s interactive sessions, Nightingale’s environment model will be a wise solution (Mathur et al., 2014).

3rd outcome

DNP nurses are capable of utilizing information and technology to enhance patient care (Buchholz et al., 2013). The knowledge and skills employed by DNP-prepared nurses enable them to analyze and disseminate new information in addition to assisting nurses in performing their roles successfully (Buchholz et al., 2013). I used the knowledge I had acquired to aid me in a variety of information management-related responsibilities.

In the process of creating, deciding on, and assessing information management programs, I was successful in coming up with several suggestions for observing healthcare delivery systems. I have used information systems, from data mining to data analysis, to accomplish this purpose. I talked to the participants to get this information (Choi and De Martinis, 2013). The interviewing method has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to communicate and obtain information. The researcher will next have the chance to assess the respondents’ nonverbal communication cues. I have gained knowledge of real-time data collection as part of my DNP training (Choi & De Martinis, 2013). In this instance, the ability to extract, sort, and distribute such information made it possible to satisfy this need.

Using various tools and applications is another aspect of information analysis.

It is crucial to have an understanding of how to use this data and evaluate its validity and dependability (Choi and De Martinis, 2013). I work using SPSS, a program for analyzing quantitative and statistical data. The instrument identifies the data that the nurses in the ASP programs require. Other different analysis methods I have used to gather data include the t-test and ANOVA.

Information’s reliability affects how effective it is. The DPI project’s many different divisions and areas can use this information. A wonderful example of how these cues might be used in the DPI project would be DNP-820.

4th outcome

These results are attained by giving DNP nurses the tools they need to develop and put ethical concepts into practice during their training and involvement in practice immersion hours (Buchholz et al., 2013). I participate in a variety of activities as a DNP nursing student that show my abilities to support moral health care models.

Another strategy to advocate is to put laws into practice that deal with social justice and equality issues in healthcare (Buchholz et al.,2013). I employ a variety of techniques to improve ethical behavior, and I also offer the standards for coming up with ethical rules.

To make sure all members of the healthcare team, including the nurses, stakeholders, and any other healthcare professionals, are taken into account, it is crucial to analyze healthcare plans, policies, and associated concerns critically. This suggests that every healthcare provider and stakeholder is significant when it comes to healthcare initiatives, according to Buchholz et al. (2013) .’s reasoning.

As a result, the team’s advocacy and cooperation within the healthcare industry is a prime illustration of the support required for ethical practice (Buchholz et al.,2013). The ideal application of the principle of consent even asserts that everyone has the right to communication and that any action that violates that right is immoral and detrimental to any practice that supports it (Hamric et al., 2013).

Regulation violations and other negligent behaviors may include patients or even healthcare providers (Buchholz et al., 2013). Negligence is mostly to blame for the surge in malpractice. It is crucial to educate some patients about the principles and standards that safeguard them from malpractice (Hamric et al., 2013). These requisite skills and expertise are frequently lacking among healthcare workers. The healthcare professional must take part in training to improve their support of ethical standards (Hamric et al., 2013).

In my DPI project, I apply the same ideas to several strategies for promoting ethical values and principles. Getting a signed consent, making sure that personal information is secure, and keeping confidentiality are a few things I will think about (Buchholz et al., 2013). By doing this, I will be able to uphold the patients’ rights and demonstrate my moral obligation (Hamric et al., 2013). I implemented and evaluated proponents for an application of ethical principles for my DPI project in DNP/835 using quality and sustainability (Bush, 2014).

5th outcome

The multi-tiered healthcare system places a strong emphasis on enhancing patient care and reducing mistakes that can lead to malpractice. It can be challenging to do so at times due to the intricacy of health care. It is essential to offer effective, timely, and patient-centered care (Hamric et al., 2013). Examining some of the duties of a Ph.D. nurse should demonstrate their ability to practice ethically and with basic care (Hamric et al., 2013).

I have discovered that after interventions are implemented, follow-up patient assessments are necessary to determine outcomes and goals (Hamric et al., 2013). A follow-up evaluation makes sure that needs are being addressed, patients are being treated morally, and there are fewer mistakes. As errors are found, it also helps to improve the quality (Hamric et al., 2013).

Nursing education and ongoing training are two methods to improve quality.

Self-training offers knowledge that will aid in honing abilities and talents. Delivering high-quality treatment will be made easier by ensuring that nurses receive appropriate training and knowledge advancement. With my DPI project, I applied this technique to enhance quality-related objectives. Making decisions is a skill that is really important and that I have developed throughout this training (Bush, 2014). A proficiency of this kind is appropriate for resolving contentious problems, such as the decision of whether to take a particular action or not (Bush, 2014). I have also used the idea of rational decision-making to assess how well patients’ or healthcare professionals’ perceptions work.

While managing the spread of healthcare-associated diseases, particularly C-diff, the DPI project’s quality might be improved by evaluating the effectiveness and quality of the multidisciplinary approach (Mathur et al., 2014). The DPI initiative seeks to familiarize the nurses with the ASP program in order to stop the spread of CDiff. Whether or not the project is adopted depends on whether it satisfies the requirements of the guidelines and is worthwhile. Assessing the efficacy of the project’s interventions will be effective when done using the HBM model and the decision-making concept (Hamric et al., 2013). Evaluation of the project’s results and the advantages of cost-effectiveness will also support the initiative.


My level of preparedness to execute this task is quantifiable. I am aware of the requirements for this project, and I intend to offer the supporting evidence that may be required for validation as needed. I was quite anxious about this endeavor even though I had studied all the basics. For instance, I no longer focus solely on gathering data or proof to support my assertions. My key concern is how to gauge the effectiveness and long-term value of such evidence (Buchholz et al., 2014).

This has also helped me to prepare for various parts of my document outlining my ten strategic points and draft proposal prospectus. Also, there is a necessity to develop various methods for evaluating each hypothesis (Morse and Cheek, 2015). According to the assumption stated in the 10 strategic documents, “there would be a significant correlation between the underutilization of staff nurses in inpatient hospitals and their non-recognition as participants in the antimicrobial/antibiotic stewardship program and the increase in healthcare-associated c-diff.” The linear regression model of the hypothesis is the testing method that can be used (Morse & Cheek, 2015).

When it comes to analysis, statistical inference is crucial because it entails making conclusions and extrapolating sample results to the overall population. The DPI project will employ a variety of instruments to evaluate the effectiveness of the nurses’ knowledge (Barr et al., 2013). A variety of strategies might be applied to get this result. The DPI project will be finished using the t-test statistical inference technique.

The DPI initiative is founded on factual research and also draws on key components of the DNP exercise (Barr et al., 2013). The actions are as follows:

The Internal Review Board’s blessing (IRB)

Creating awareness, getting responders’ permission, and accumulating the crucial resources required for the project

establishing the study environment and educating participants on their important roles and obligations

Dissemination of evidence happens next, after data gathering and processing.


Barr, D. J., Levy, R., Scheepers, C., & Tily, H. J. (2013). Random effects structure for confirmatory hypothesis testing: Keep it maximal. Journal of Memory and Language, 68(3), 255-278.

Buchholz, S. W., Budd, G. M., Courtney, M. R., Neiheisel, M. B., Hammersla, M., & Carlson, E.

  1. (2013). Preparing practice scholars: Teaching knowledge application in the Doctor of

Nursing Practice Curriculum. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 25(9), 473-480.

Bush, C. T. (2014). Postgraduate nurse practitioner training: what nurse executives need to know.

Journal of Nursing Administration, 44(12), 625-627.

Choi, J., & De Martinis, J. E. (2013). Nursing informatics competencies: assessment of undergraduate and graduate nursing students. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22(13-14), 1970-1976.

Choi, J., & Zucker, D. M. (2013). Self-assessment of nursing informatics competencies for doctor of nursing practice students. Journal of Professional Nursing, 29(6), 381-387.

Hamric, A. B., Hanson, C. M., Tracy, M. F., & O’Grady, E. T. (2013). Advanced Practice Nursing-E-Book: An Integrative Approach. New York: Elsevier Health Sciences.

Jones, C. L., Jensen, J. D., Scherr, C. L., Brown, N. R., Christy, K., & Weaver, J. (2015). The Health Belief Model as an Explanatory Framework in Communication Research: Exploring Parallel, Serial, and Moderated Mediation. Health Communication, 30(6), 566–576. Mathur, H., Rea, M. C., Cotter,

  1. D., Ross, R. P., & Hill, C. (2014). The potential for emerging therapeutic options for Clostridium difficile infection. Gut Microbes, 5(6), 696-710.

Medeiros, A. B. (2015). The Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory: A critical analysis.

Escola Anna Nery, 19(3), 518-524.

Morse, J. M., & Cheek, J. (2015). Introducing qualitatively-driven mixed-method designs. Los Angeles, CA. SAGE Publications.

Pamer, E. G. (2016). Resurrecting the intestinal microbiota to combat antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Science, 352(6285), 535-538.


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TOPIC: Benchmark – Comprehensive Assessment Part Two: Outcomes and Reflection

Use the information collected in the competency matrix that you created for Comprehensive Assessment Part One to address the following prompts as directed.

DNP- 840A Leadership For Advanced Nursing Practice

DNP- 840A Leadership For Advanced Nursing Practice

Each response should be 500-750 words. Your responses should concisely demonstrate synthesis of knowledge gained in the program and the relevant application of knowledge into your practice. You are further required to cite relevant and specific evidence from your coursework to demonstrate your achievement of these programmatic outcomes and corresponding competencies.


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